Ambassadeurs.ices de Montréal Cohorte 10

Abdelrahman Aboukresha
Abdelrahman Aboukresha

Félicia Cá
Félicia Cá
Elle/Elle (E/E)
Leila Dorno Adolphe
Leila Dorno Adolphe
I wanted to learn more about capacity building.

Reda Hachem
Reda Hachem

Ovie Joseph
Ovie Joseph
Elle/Iel (E/I)WHY RISE?
I joined RISE to step outside of my comfort zone and get hands-on experience in activism outside of social media. I also loved the idea of connecting with other youth from Montreal as well as other cities in Canada.

Kecha Lange
Kecha Lange
Elle/Elle (E/E)WHY RISE?
Because I want to be more included in my community. Community engagement means strengthening community care.

Elaine Le
Elaine Le
Elle/Elle (E/E)WHY RISE?
I hope to join a community of like-minded people who are passionate about creating impact in the community. I wish to learn from these amazing people and make friends along the way.

Armando Rivas
Armando Rivas
I joined RISE because I want to gain the experience to make a difference in my community. I want to be able to design and foster a respectful space that brings people together and forms lasting relationships.
Filling the Gap
Il s'agit d'une série d'ateliers destinés aux jeunes nouveaux.elles arrivant.e.s et aux jeunes noir.e.s, autochtones ou de couleur afin de les aider à acquérir des outils utiles pour le renforcement des capacités. Les ateliers portent sur des sujets tels que les connaissances axées sur la communauté, la navigation dans le système de soins de santé et la préparation de votre premier entretien d'embauche.